Children don’t come with users manuals and that the job of being a parent can be overwhelming, relentless, and exhausting. It is normal for parents to sometimes feel that they are struggling to cope and to ask for help. We provide parents with information and support to understand their child’s needs and learn new ways to respond to the changing demands of parenting. We have a family-friendly environment and welcome referrals from parents, grandparents and carer, with or without the child.
We also work with children and adolescents directly to have a safe space to explore their thoughts and feelings and to develop skills that improve their capacity to cope with the challenges of childhood and adolescence. Parents and carers have a critical part to play in our work with children and adolescents so continual feedback and inclusion in treatment, often in the role of co-therapist is an important component of our child-focussed work.
We assist families to:
- Improve difficult relationships
- Handle problematic situations
- Work together on issues or problems
- Cope with separation, divorce or re-marriage
- Deal with problems often experienced in blended families
We assist parents with:
- Concerns with a child’s development and/or parent-child relationship issues
- Managing a child’s difficult temperament or behaviour
- Assisting a child with disabilities
- Sibling rivalry in the family
- Problems with transition to school
- School avoidance
- Learning difficulties
- Poor peer relationships
- Low self esteem
- Problems with behaviour
- Family relationships
- Physical or sexual abuse